Cork Fabrics

Author: Mick P
20 September 2019

We now stock the Belagio branded CORK Fabrics, These are 50% Cork, 48% TC, 2% Glue, and come in 18" x 15" Prepacks or per metre

This is a unique Fabric with a cork surface, Sewable, Soft and gentle feel, for a trendy natural look

Perfect for sewing on a home sewing machine.

Great for making bags, wallets, purses, accessories, living room decorations and a wide variety of handicraft applications.
It is perfect for coasters, hot pads and under plants. Use it to line drawer and toolboxes, offices, kitchens or create your own custom cork boards.

NB:- This is a natural (Cork) product, and therefore, there may be slight imperfections.

You can see our range of the cork fabrics at

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